Finally Halo 5 Guardians is here, we have waited way to long for this game and now here at KraneJaw can dive head first in to gameplay.
The single player plays very similar to Halo 2 with two playable characters but in this case we have two Character teams. On one team we have the Master Chief and the other lead by Locke. There is a lot to be said about the game but here at KraneJaw we don’t like spoilers, we have our lets play for that. One thing to note is that the game really doesn’t follow the time line of the game as it used to, you really have to dive in to the videos books and lore behind Halo to really understand all the references and what’s going on in the Halo universe.
Lets get started; of the 15 or so missions you play in the game you really only play as Master Chief 2 or so missions. It really makes you wanting more of his side of the story after all he is the legend and savior off all man kind, but hey we got to play as him all last game, god forbid we have a game all about the Chief and his greatness, obsessiveness and somewhat suicidal tendency’s. Remember according to the lore (well the books and videos…..and one of the games I think) the artificial intelligence programs were created to keep the Spartans from going total psychopath, they kept them sane and as in the chiefs case he really is on the border of crazy and hero. We all know that’s not a good combination. But enough about the back story, the game takes similar turns to the previous games, nothing like the heart felt Halo 4 Game. On flaw defiantly aperient is the lack of development of the Prometheans and the main antagonist The Warden. Both teams face this would be leader but he really never gets fully developed he gets mentioned and like I said before you have a “boss battle” which we say lightly because Halo has never gotten the boss battle feel down.
Most off all the real villain isn’t developed until very late in the game and really leaves the player on edge. All and all Halo 5 is a game that should not be missed and is a must play in the Halo series.